The Foundation is excited to share with you the 2020 Winter Enrichment offerings!
This winter, we are offering one longer session (8 weeks) and more classes (3-4 options per day), most of which are run by our own EFS faculty members. We continue to offer online payments through Mobilearq.
Morning classes are held from 7:30-8:25am; afternoon classes begin immediately after school, from 3:05pm-4:25pm. All classes are held on school premises. If your child attends after-care, they will be taken after their enrichment class to Tiny Treasures, where they can commence after-care from 4:25pm. If children are picked up late (after 4:35pm), a late charge of $10 per child is applied.
Please note: children must only be signed up for classes offered for their specific grade.
Spaces are limited. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and a number of classes get sold out quickly.
School Musical: If your child is in Grades 4-6, and plans to be involved in the school play, please keep in mind that rehearsals will take place on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s during this time, so you may want to hold off registering them for these days.
If you have any questions, please reach out to efsenrichment@gmail.com.
Disclaimer: The Foundation reserves the right to make changes to the schedule, if needed.

Winter Session (January - March) Details
Pricing: All classes are $240 each.
Class Dates:
Tuesday’s (8 Weeks): 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10 (no class 2/18), Makeup Class 3/17
Wednesday’s (8 Weeks): 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, Makeup Class 3/11
Thursday’s (8 Weeks): 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/5, Makeup Class 3/12
Makeup Policy: We are building in one week at the end of each session for any makeups due to teacher illness or weather issues.
Tuesday Classes (8 Weeks)
All Sorts of Sports w/ Mr. V. (Grades 3-4)
Calling all 3rd and 4th Graders. Come join Mr. V. this winter with his all-too-popular sports class just for 3rd and 4th graders. This class is designed to help our budding athletes develop and strengthen critical skills, confidence, sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, overcoming obstacles and rising to new challenges.
Lego Challenge w/ Artsy Smartsy (Grades K-3)
Join in the fun as we use our bricks to build projects together or accept the challenge to create some new and amazing things on your own. Build some cool creatures, gadgets, vehicles and buildings while you learn structural, mechanical and civil engineering principles and stretch your imagination! Lego bricks are provided but will not be taken home.
Pop Culture Creativity w/ Parteaz (Grades K-3)
Each week the students will make a craft (slime, jewelry, sewing) or spa product (Lip gloss, Shower Gel, Bath salts) incorporating some of our best party themes! Mermaids, Unicorns, Spa, Emojis, Rock Star, PJ, Rainbow; are all part of the mix! Also play some group games and do some individual activities that promote self-esteem, helping others and let each child feel unique and creative!
Set Design w/ Mrs. McNish & Mrs. Buonomo (Grades 3-6)
If you want to be a part of this year’s play, Beauty and the Beast, and prefer to be behind the scenes, join Mrs. McNish and Mrs. Buonomo as they create the scenery for this year’s play. This class will teach you how to create art from a different perspective. You will open up your minds to the imaginary world of set design. You will learn how to use a variety of ordinary medium, such as tissue paper, construction paper, and cardboard to create aesthetic scenery, an integral and significant part of stage production. We will bring out the artist in everyone and students will see their hard work on full display at the school play!
Wednesday Classes (8 Weeks)
Winter Books & Crafts w/ Mrs. MacKenzie (Grades K-2)
The weather outside is frightful, and winter crafts are so delightful. Adventure awaits as children are introduced to new and old favorite storybooks with Ms. MacKenzie, followed by a craft inspired by the story, which students keep as a souvenir of their weekly literary adventures.
Board Games Bonanza w/ Mr. V (Grades K-2)
Learn while you play! Your child will learn skills such as turn-taking, math skills, how to be a good sport, and how to lose well, too. In addition, they will learn social skills and build friendships while playing fun and popular board games (including Chess).
Wizarding World w/ Mrs. Brzostowski (Grades 3-6)
Come and be sorted into your house as we dive into the first book of the series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Participants will read parts of the novel, create crafts and immerse themselves in all things Harry Potter.
Digital Filmmaking w/ Ms. Craveiro (Grades 3-6)
Learn all about how movies are made in Digital Filmmaking. We’ll go through the entire process of writing a script, acting, filming, and editing. Let’s bring your ideas to life!
Thursday Classes (8 Weeks)
*Morning* Basketball w/ Mrs. Criscione (Grades 3-6) **AM CLASS**
Wake up and get your dribble on with Mrs. Criscione! Master the rules, strategies, skills, agility and teamwork required to succeed. This fun, fit class will help enhance performance at more competitive levels. This class will be held before school starting at 7:30am in the school gym.
Sizzlin’ Science Lab w/ Team Makers (Grades K-3)
Sizzlin’ Science Lab provides a fun, creative and non-competitive environment where students will have the opportunity to explore a number of exciting science topics. Designed with your budding young scientist in mind, this program allows kids to use their imagination, curiosity and develop their observation skills with hands-on science games and experiments.
Art Crazy w/ Artsy Smartsy (Grades K-4)
Join us for hours of creative crafting fun as we design, build and create awesome art projects with paint. wood, clay, paper, ribbon, beads, masks, and lots of other fun embellishments. You’ll discover a great artful outlet and have lots of fun to boot in this crazy crafty course!
Winter Sports Frenzy w/ Ms. Wieczorek (Grades 3-6)
Learn, watch, score! Did you know that Football and Basketball are games of numbers, and the study of statistics is essential for understanding the sports? Students join Miss Wieczorek for some sports talk and to work on a variety of skills including organizing data, probability and even some sports trivia. Math skills and sports- What could be better? This session will work on football through the SuperBowl and jump right into Basketball in February.
DISCLAIMER: By registering for these classes on MobileArq, you acknowledge that named applicant is emotionally ready, is in good health, and has your permission to participate in this program. You agree that there are no refunds after the first week of classes. You also agree to pay the late pick-up fee of $10 for each child picked-up after 4:35 on any enrichment day.
TO ORDER: Log onto MobileArq (it works much better from a Desktop). Go to Online Stores. At the top left drop-down, select "ESSEX FELLS FOUNDATION". Select the Session and Day for which you would like to register (repeat, if you would like to register for multiple days.) Please note: you will need to order for each child separately (like you do for school lunches). For example, go in and select a specific class option for child A. Do not change the quantity. Select the child’s name and then add it to the cart. Then, continue shopping and place the order for child B, or for the next class for child A. Please make sure you specify which child you are ordering for with each class order.
CHECKOUT: PLEASE CHECKOUT WITH PAYPAL! Once you have placed your order, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. Please review it and make sure it contains everything you intended to order for the enrichment classes.