FALL 2019
We are excited to launch a new year of Enrichment classes for the 2019-2020 school year. Fall Registration is now open.
Registration for Fall 1 closes on Sunday, September 8th.
Registration for Fall 2 closes on Sunday, October 27th.
Spaces are limited for all classes. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and a number of classes get sold out quickly. To register, click below or log in to MobileArq. (Please check out with PayPal).
To continue improving the Enrichment program for our EFS families, we have made a few new changes to this year’s program, including:
Exciting new offerings – something for everyone!
Shorter sessions – 5 sessions across the year (2 fall, 2 winter and 1 spring session)
Continuing to offer more classes (3 days per week) each semester, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays with more consistency of programming throughout the full year.
Providing more classes run by our own EFS faculty members, who have many hidden talents and skills that they very much look forward to sharing with our kids.
Makeup Policy: We are building in one week at the end of each session for any makeups due to teacher illness or weather issues. Given the shorter sessions offered there is only one makeup class built into each session.
We take this opportunity to remind you to be sure to sign up your kids for classes intended for their grade. Each curriculum is age-specific, and we need everyone to adhere to the age restrictions for the classes.
All Fall classes are held immediately after school between 3:05pm-4:25pm and are held on school premises. If your child is usually in after-care, they will be taken after their enrichment class to Tiny Treasures, where they can commence after-care from 4:25pm. An extra snack must be sent in with your child on Enrichment Days.
Pricing is based on the number of classes offered in a given session.
Disclaimer: The Foundation reserves the right to make changes to the schedule, if needed.
Fall Session I (September & October)
Tuesday’s (6 classes)
9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22
Makeup Class 10/29
Wednesday’s (4 classes)
9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/16 (no Class 10/9 or 10/23)
Makeup Class 10/30
Thursday’s (5 classes)
9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10
Makeup Class 10/17

Fall Session II (November & December)
Tuesday’s (6 classes)
11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10
Makeup Class 12/17
Wednesday’s (5 classes)
11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11 (no class 11/27)
Makeup Class 12/18
Thursday’s (4 classes)
11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12 (no class 11/7 and 11/28)
Makeup Class 12/19

Note: Silly Sports SOLD OUT
Listed below are detailed class descriptions for Kindergarten - 6th Grade:
FALL I (September & October)
Tuesday Classes: (6 weeks) Price: $180
Silly Sports (Grades K-2) w/ Mr. V. (Fall I)
Set your silly free! Mr. V. is back with his all-too-popular sports class designed to help our budding athletes develop and strengthen critical skills, confidence, sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, overcoming obstacles and rising to new challenges. This class is being offered in both Session I and Session II.
Coding Club (Grades 3-6) w/ Ms. Christopher & Ms. Castellano (Fall I)
During this club, the children will learn the importance of computer programming and the many applications of it. Students will explore multiple coding programs, including the Mambo drone while teaching them the importance of coding and the logic behind it. Today our students live in a digital world, and we hope that this club will allow them to see how they can someday become a programmer and impact the lives of others! Coding Club is open to students with prior coding knowledge- all activities will be adjusted to students’ individual coding skills level. This class is being offered in both Session I and Session II.
Clay Play (Grades K-6) w/ Artsy Smartsy
Join in the fun as we explore many different ways to create with clay. Throughout history pottery has been the container of choice for storing, serving and preserving foods, liquids and other goods in the home and hearth. It has also been the medium of choice for making jewelry and other decorative items that enhance our lives and build self-esteem. The children will use air dry clay to sculpt and mold, make jewelry and kinetic art with polymer clay and have an awesome time with everyone’s favorite - Model Magic!
Wednesday Classes: (4 weeks) Price: $120
Wild About Nature (Grades K-6) w/ The Essex County Environmental Center
The Essex County Environmental Center will help students explore the environment we live in! Staff will create an interactive learning experience right in our own EFS classrooms. With hands-on activities, lively games, and discussion, environmentalists will make the curriculum come alive. Explore The Glen through indoor and outdoor activities. Students investigate animal and/or plant adaptations and behaviors while learning new skills like how to make paper from what’s out in our environment!
Junior Coding (Grades K-2) w/ Ms. Christopher & Ms. Castellano (Fall I)
During this club, children will learn the importance of computer programming and the many applications of it. Students will explore multiple coding programs, including Dash robot while teaching them the importance of coding and the logic behind it. Today our students live in a digital world, and we hope that this club will allow them to see how they can someday become a programmer and impact the lives of others! Jr. Coding is open to students with prior coding knowledge- all activities will be adjusted to students’ individual coding skills level. This class is being offered in both Session I and Session II.
Savvy Sports (Grades 3-6) w/ Mr. V. (Fall I)
Upgrade your game. Mr. V. will help strengthen students' skills, confidence, and teamwork in game play, through such sports as hockey, speedball, handball, soccer, badminton, and countless other fun games. This class is being offered in both Session I and Session II.
Scrapbooking (Grades K-6) w/ Ms. Vetere
Celebrate the best life moments, using personal photographs and drawings, and creating artful collages in scrapbook binders with various layouts and themes. Students will bring in images of important events from the past year. Those images will be placed in a scrapbook and personalized with embellishments.
Thursday Classes: (5 weeks) Price: $150
Comic Book Adventures (Grades K-6) with Visual Arts Center of NJ
Students will engage in the creative process of planning, writing, designing, and publishing their own original comic books, based on their own story. The program will enhance students’ reading and writing skills, drawing and storytelling.
Karate Kids (Grades K-3) w/ K Dojo Warrior Tribe MMA (Fall I)
Get a “kick” out of karate! Your child will work to develop confidence, coordination, focus, flexibility, and self-discipline as they learn the art of self-defense. This class is appropriate for new and returning students. Taught by K Dojo Warrior Tribe of Fairfield, students are rewarded with colored belts, based on a traditional martial arts “belt system.” Since this is a Beginner Level program, yellow belt is the highest level awarded in this class. (Trophies will be awarded instead to students who have completed their yellow belt/third session.) It is recommended that you sign your child up for both Session I and Session II for the Karate Kids class.
Football Frenzy (Grades 3-6) w/ Ms. Wieczorek (Fall I)
Learn, watch, score! Did you know that Football is really a game of numbers, and the study of statistics is essential for understanding the game? Come join Mrs. Wieczorek as students will incorporate the game of football as they work on a variety of math skills including organizing data, graphing and probability. Math Skills and Football- What could be better! This class is offered in both Session I and Session II.
FALL II (November & December)
Tuesday Classes: (6 weeks) Price: $180
American Girls (Grades K-3) w/ Artsy Smartsy
Join us and explore the worlds of our favorite American Girl Dolls. Learn about the times in which they live and make wonderful art, hear their stories and make their favorite recipes. Enjoy their stories and even write one of your own! (Dolls are welcome to come to club time!)
Set Design (Grades 3-6) w/ Ms. McNish & Ms. Buonomo
If you want to be a part of the play and prefer to be behind the scenes, join us as we create the scenery for this year’s play. This class will teach you how to create art from a different perspective. You will open up your minds to the imaginary world of set design. You will learn how to use a variety of ordinary medium, such as tissue paper, construction paper, and cardboard to create aesthetic scenery, an integral and significant part of stage production. We will bring out the artist in everyone and students will see their hard work on full display at the school play!
Silly Sports (Grades K-2) w/ Mr. V. (Fall II) -SOLD OUT
Set your silly free! Mr. V. is back with his all-too-popular sports class designed to help our budding athletes develop and strengthen critical skills, confidence, sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, overcoming obstacles and rising to new challenges. This class is offered in both Session I and Session II.
Coding Club (Grades 3-6) w/ Ms. Christopher & Ms. Castellano (Fall II)
During this club, the children will learn the importance of computer programming and the many applications of it. Students will explore multiple coding programs, including the Mambo drone while teaching them the importance of coding and the logic behind it. Today our students live in a digital world, and we hope that this club will allow them to see how they can someday become a programmer and impact the lives of others! Coding Club is open to students with prior coding knowledge- all activities will be adjusted to students’ individual coding skills level. This class is offered in both Session I and Session II.
Wednesday Classes: (5 weeks) Price: $150
Drama Club/Reader's Theater (Grades 1-6) w/ Mrs. Craveiro
Students will learn to actively listen and think on their feet as they participate in theater games and dramatic play. While taking on different roles in scripts, students will develop their vocal expression and reading fluency.
Junior Coding (Grades K-2) w/ Ms. Christopher & Ms. Castellano (Fall II)
During this club, children will learn the importance of computer programming and the many applications of it. Students will explore multiple coding programs, including Dash robot while teaching them the importance of coding and the logic behind it. Today our students live in a digital world, and we hope that this club will allow them to see how they can someday become a programmer and impact the lives of others! Jr. Coding is open to students with prior coding knowledge- all activities will be adjusted to students’ individual coding skills level. This class is offered in both Session I and Session II.
Savvy Sports (Grades 3-6) w/ Mr. V. (Fall II)
Upgrade your game. Mr. V. will help strengthen students' skills, confidence, and teamwork in game play, through such sports as hockey, speedball, handball, soccer, badminton, and countless other fun games. This class is offered in both Session I and Session II.
Thursday Classes: (4 weeks) Price: $120
Yoga & Mindfulness (Grades K-3) w/ Ms. Criscione
Learn to Zen. Students will learn important techniques for breathing, posture, balance and mindful thinking, which can be extended to the classroom as tools for focus, contentment, and success
Mosaic Marvels (Grades K-6) w/ Artsy Smartsy
The wonderful art of Mosaics has been practiced nearly as long as history itself, using tiles, shells, glass and gems to decorate useful products and make them into personal heirlooms. Learn how to use patterns to make some of the loveliest pieces in your collection. make tiled trays, frames, boxes and more in this fun and artful class.
Karate Kids (Grades K-3) w/ K Dojo Warrior Tribe MMA (Fall II)
Get a “kick” out of karate! Your child will work to develop confidence, coordination, focus, flexibility, and self-discipline as they learn the art of self-defense. This class is appropriate for new and returning students. Taught by K Dojo Warrior Tribe of Fairfield, students are rewarded with colored belts, based on a traditional martial arts “belt system.” Since this is a Beginner Level program, yellow belt is the highest level awarded in this class. (Trophies will be awarded instead to students who have completed their yellow belt/third session.) It is recommended that you sign your child up for both Session I and Session II for the Karate Kids class.
Football Frenzy (Grades 3-6) w/ Ms. Wieczorek (Fall II)
Learn, watch, score! Did you know that Football is really a game of numbers, and the study of statistics is essential for understanding the game? Come join Mrs. Wieczorek as students will incorporate the game of football as they work on a variety of math skills including organizing data, graphing and probability. Math Skills and Football- What could be better! This class is offered in both Session I and Session II.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at efsenrichment@gmail.com. We hope your children enjoy this new roster of enriching programs!
By registering for these classes on MobileArq, you acknowledge that named applicant is emotionally ready, is in good health, and has your permission to participate in this program. You agree that there are no refunds after the first week of classes. You also agree to pay the late pick-up fee of $10 for each child picked-up after 4:35 on any enrichment day.
Log onto MobileArq (it works much better from a Desktop). Go to Online Stores. At the top left drop-down, select "ESSEX FELLS FOUNDATION". Select the Session and Day for which you would like to register (repeat, if you would like to register for multiple days.) Please note: you will need to order for each child separately (like you do for school lunches). For example, go in and select a specific class option for child A. Do not change the quantity. Select the child’s name and then add it to the cart. Then, continue shopping and place the order for child B, or for the next class for child A. Please make sure you specify which child you are ordering for with each class order.
CHECKOUT: PLEASE CHECKOUT WITH PAYPAL! Once you have placed your order, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. Please review it and make sure it contains everything you intended to order for the enrichment classes.