Grants are the core of the Foundation's mission, as they provide essential programs and resources that fall beyond state mandates. The abundant workload required to run the Foundation, its fundraising initiatives and programs is undertaken by volunteer parents and community members, in collaboration with EFS faculty members and administrators.
We are beholden to and extremely grateful for the financial contributions made my Essex Fells families and community members. To donate, please click here. Grants approved over the past years are listed below.
2021 Approved Grants
Annual School Musical The Foundation approved a grant to fund the annual school musical for grades 4th -6 th. The musical was a movie production of Aladdin, Jr. Although typically performed live, this year the students’ performances were recorded and compiled into a movie video that was shared with the EFS community.
Art Club The Foundation approved a grant request to fund a project for sixth graders to create ceiling tiles to place on the ceiling of the library.
Book Club The Foundation approved a grant request for a book club for a max of 15 students from grades 2 & 3 to foster their love & engagement of reading with literary experiences.
Book Nic The 1st grade has a Book-Nic every year where each student selects a book and creates a small display about the book. This year the event was done in the classroom due to COVID without visitors.
Broadcasting Club The Foundation approved a grant request for the Broadcasting Club. The students write, direct, and produce weekly segments, which air on bimonthly mornings during announcements.
Laptop Cases The Foundation approved a grant request to fund 20 Macbook Pro laptop cases to support student technology needs.
Picnic Tables The Foundation approved a grant request to contribute picnic tables to the school. These tables were used for outside classrooms.
Rigamjig Initiative The Foundation approved a grant request to fund the Rigamajig, a large-scale building kit for hands-on free play and learning. The collection of wooden planks, wheels, pulleys, nuts, bolts and rope allows children to follow their curiosity through play. This will be used as part of a STEAM lab for all grades.
Social Emotional Well-Being Group This grant provided an art directive, question and answer time, and a social time for K-6 th students who might need additional support prior to the school year. This was designed to support the social emotional well-being of students to help with the transition back to school.
Study Hall The Foundation approved a grant request to continue funding Study Hall for the 2020-21 school year. Study Hall provides a time for students in Grades 4th – 6th to work ahead on homework, make up schoolwork they are unable to complete during class time, and/or study for upcoming tests and quizzes. This was offered 3x weekly, outdoors, during lunch.
Survivors Speak The Foundation approved a grant request for a virtual presentation on the Holocaust for 5th graders and their parents. This allowed them to hear from an eyewitness speaker at the conclusion of their study of the Holocaust.
Upgraded Broadcast Equipment The Foundation approved a grant request to purchase Ipads & an Ipad Podcaster Studio for the Broadcast Club. This equipment will also be used for other school projects, such as the Variety Show and School Musical.
Upper Grade Novels The Foundation approved a grant request to provide individual books to students since sharing was not possible this year due to COVID. The novels were used to teach the various themes/skills in the 4th & 6th grade curriculums.
Variety Show The Foundation approved a grant request to fund the annual Variety Show with participants from grades 4-6 th. The students recorded their performances outside of school and submitted them to Mr. Trogani, who compiled them into a video shared with the EFS community. Students showed off their best talents either in a solo act or with a group: singing, dancing, comedy, gymnastics, and more! This event helps build student confidence through performing.
Video Editing Software This grant funded the purchasing of video editing software that can be used for various school events and clubs for all grades.
Virtual Earth Day The Foundation approved a grant request for a virtual field trip for all grades, held by the Essex County Environmental Center. The presentation had a focus on trees.
Wireless Scanner The Foundation approved a grant request to provide a wireless scanner for the media center. The media center was on a cart for the 2020-2021 school year and required scanning of books in multiple locations. The wireless scanner ensures that all students can check out books no matter where the classes are at the school. The scanner will also aid in completing inventory as it is compact and can easily be carried through the shelves.
Yearbook Club The Foundation approved a grant request to continue the Yearbook Club for the 6th Grade students as they work together to produce the yearbook.